Why You Need To Rent A Dumpster When Evicting A Tenant

Posted on: 18 May 2015

As a landlord, it can be difficult to deal with tenants that have decided to not pay their rent, are violating rules in the lease, or are even using their unit for illegal activity. The day will come where you will need to evict them from their unit, but it can be quite a bit of work getting the place cleaned out. Here are three reasons why you need a dumpster to do it.

Disposal of The Renter's Belongings

When tenants are in a rush to leave, they often make a judgment call about what things they should take with them. If something is broken, not worth much, or too difficult to move, they may decide to leave it in the unit so it becomes your problem.

Having a dumpster will help speed up the process of getting rid of all their discarded belongings that you do not want. You should not be wasting time bagging up items in trash bags when you can throw it all directly into a dumpster and not have to deal with it again.

Disposal of Damaged Property

If your tenant is being evicted, you may not be on the best terms with them. There is a possibility that they caused damage to the unit after being notified of their eviction. It is also possible that they simply did not bother to take care of the unit because they did not own it, resulting in damages due to carelessness.

In either situation, you will need to throw away anything that is damaged in the unit so you can start the repair process. You may want to consider taking legal action as well, since damaging the unit is a violation of the lease, especially if the security deposit was not enough to cover all the damage.

Remodeling The Unit

One the tenant is gone, it is a great time to do some remodeling work to make the place look nice again for your next renter. A dumpster is ideal if you're getting rid of old carpeting, kitchen cabinets, or other large materials. If you're replacing appliances such as a dishwasher, a dumpster will be the best way to dispose of them due to the large size. Getting these things out of the unit and into a dumpster will make the remodeling process much easier.

By having a dumpster ready when evicting your tenant, it will help make everything go smoothly when trying to clean the place up. To rent a dumpster, contact a company like FDS Disposal Inc.
